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Showing posts from June, 2016

Movies Listing Program in Java GUI full source code

CONTACT DETAILS For any other questions or other tasks please feel free to contact me via email: via WhatsApp: +92-324-7042178 via skype: hassnainjamil1

Stack and Queue Implementation with JUnitTesting according to UML

Objectives: After completing this assignment the student should be able to, Write concrete classes that implement Java Interfaces according to specifications given in UML. Implement a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack class in java. Implement a first-in-first-out (FIFO) queue class in Java. Requirements: For this assignment you are given the following Java source code files: (This file is complete – you will make no changes to this file) (This file is complete – you will make no changes to this file) (This file is complete – you will make no changes to this file) (you must complete this file) (you must complete this file) The specifications for the files are given below (including the UML diagram on the following page). Special requirements: Both MyStack and MyQueue Classes size method Returns the number of items in the collection. empty method Returns true if the size of the collection is zero; otherwise returns f...

Project: Collaborative Word Processing Analysis and Documentation

Background Collaborative editing has long been used for groupware research and development. In recent years, the publicity of Google Docs has made collaborative editing systems, especially collaborative word processing applications known to the general public. Besides the well-known Google Docs, there exist some real word processors that use Office Word to support collaborative word processing, for example, CodoxWord ( ). In this project, you are required to evaluate the two products. You need to choose a partner to work with. Tasks Try out the two products. As a user, have a thorough usability testing of these two products. Document “cool” look-and-feel features and major functions they offer and the scenarios where these functions are useful. Also document main problems you have discovered. Clearly describe the pros and cons of each of them and your preference between them with justifications. You need two computers side-by-side for the testing. As a usabilit...

Income Tax Calculator in Java with full source code

Tax Calculator Intro: The data for the calculation of taxes (income, costs of obtaining in %, the cost of obtaining, advances) with different titles (sources) are given in the text boxes grouped into panels. The last field of each panel (gray) is the unedited text field, which will be given the sum of items. Income fields are also uneditable - their value can be calculated only on the basis of other values of the form. When You click Calculate - the fields that are not filled are calculated due to the filled fields (if it is possible, if not there are given zeros) and the tax to pay is calculated. The calculations are as follows: Tax Calculator Formulas: if given Costs of obtaining in %, then Costs of obtaining = Income * CO % Earnings = Income - Costs of obtaining Tax to pay = 0.15 * Earnings - Advances It should be ensured that on the text boxes Costs of obtaining in % is opened context menu with options (eg. 0, 20, 50): Calculator Features: It should be ensured, that the focus on th...

Krusal's Algorithm Implementation in Java with full source code

Krusal's Algorithm Introduction: In this project you will need to implement Kruskal's algorithm. Watch the videos that I posted for a description of the algorithm. Your code should start by reading a text file that contains the edges and weights of a graph. For example, this graph: will be described in a text file that looks like: A,1,B,2,D,2,F B,1,A,1,C,2,D C,1,B,1,D,3,E E,3,C,2,D,1,G G,1,E,3,D,3,F F,1,D,3,G,2,A D,2,A,2,B,1,C,2,E,3,G,1,F Krusal's Algorithm Implementation: The second line for example (B,1,A,1,C,2,D) means that the B is connected to A with weight 1; B is connected to C with weight 1, and B is connected to D with weight 2. Start by creating an Edge class that will have node1 (String), node2 (String), and weight (int)  Then, read the text file line by line; for each line, loop through the edges and create an Edge object for each edge. Add that edge to an array of Edges Sort that array according to their weights; you can use Arrays.sort() Sorting used in Krusal...

Rugby Project in Java with GUI - full source code

CONTACT DETAILS For any other questions or other tasks please feel free to contact me via email: via WhatsApp: +92-324-7042178 via skype: hassnainjamil1

Java Programming Basic Tasks LoopsComputer, Input Analyzer and StringMainpulator

Task01: Problem E6 .1 a,b,c,d from the Book (not e).  Create a class called LoopsComputer.  Use the following method names for each part.  A) computeEvenSum(), B) computeSquareSum(), C) printPowers(), D) oddSum().   For part d, you will use two input parameters “a” and “b” as ints.  Each method should print your answer.  (All these methods should have a return type of void). Task02: Problem E6.2 a,b,c,d from the Book.  Create a class called InputAnalyzer.  Use the following method names for each part of the problem.  A)  findSmallLarge(), B) countEvenOdd(), C) cumulativeTotal(), D) findAdjDuplicates().  Each method should create a scanner and ask the user for input.  You should continue to read input while the user enters integers.  (i.e. if the user enters “Q”, then you should exit your loop.  The hasNextInt()method from the Scanner class returns true if the user enters an int, and false otherwise.  You can us...

JList and JTable Project in Java with full source code

JList: Create a JList, showing information about temperature as: k degrees C = f degrees F where k varies from -70 to +60. Note: Do not use arrays or collections (including DefaultListModel that underneath uses Vector class). Create a table (JTable), showing books: The book is: author's title price cover (picture) Information about books should be loaded from a file. (and pictures from graphics files from the same directory) You should provide: the ability to edit the prices in the table (in the cell) add and remove rows to / from the table from the GUI. CONTACT DETAILS For any other questions or other tasks please feel free to contact me via email: via WhatsApp: +92-324-7042178 via skype: hassnainjamil1

Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator with JUnitTesting in Java

Introduction: Aitor Tilla S.L. clinic specializes on the endocrine treatment of people with diverse needs in relation to weight control. The clinic wants to launch a number of technological solutions (mobile app and web pages) that will allow its clients to have an effective monitoring of the dietary plans suggested by the clinic doctors. To this end, Aitor Tilla, S.L. requires to evolve the component that measures metrics for a healthy life developed during the previous guided exercises. The component will be reusable and will allow the calculation of new necessary metrics. The component will be developed in Java, J2EE platform, and will be delivered in a JAR format that will allow the access to the methods, and the programming interface that integrates with the mobile app and web pages. In addition, the code will be delivered with a user manual that explains programmers how the integration with other components should be done. The function to consider consists of characterizing the B...