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Showing posts from October, 2016

Database design (Entity Relationship Diagram) and implementation of Public Library System

Design a database for public libraries.  John works for an IT service company as a senior database designer. His company just won a few contracts to serve several public library systems within the state of Maryland. Each library system operates independently though John is in charge to design a single database to store information needed for all libraries. Below are some of the data that need to be kept track of. For each library system, the database needs to store library name (e.g. “City of Baltimore Public Libraries” and “City of Annopolis Public Libraries”), phone, and mailing address. Need to store customer information including name, phone, and address. Each library issues it’s own library card to its customers. A customer can have multiple library cards, one for each library system. For example, a customer can have both Baltimore library card and Annopolis library card. Need to store library card number (different library systems may issue cards with the same number), PIN, i...

Normalizaiton of dentist-patient appointment data 1NF, 2NF and 3NF

The table shown below lists dentist-patient appointment data.  A patient is given an appointment at a specific time and date with a dentist.  On each day of patient appointments, a dentist will perform specific surgery (such as Implant S10, Root Canal S15) for that day Evaluate if the table shown above is normalized, if not describe and illustrate the process of normalizing the table shown above to third normal form.  State any assumptions you make about the data shown in this table. StaffNo Dentist Name PatNo PatName Appointment Date & Time SurgeryNo S1011 S1011 S1024 S1024 S1032 S1032 James Bond James Bond Andrew Joe Andrew Joe Kevin King Kevin King P100 P105 P108 P108 P107 P110 Kim Su Jenny Gold Ian Chappell Ian Chappell John Spooner Frank Holey 1/9/05 10.00 1/9/05 12.00 1/9/05 10.00 2/7/05 14.00 2/7/05 16.30 2/7/05 18.00 S10 S15 S10 S10 S15 S13 Is the table in 1NF, 2NF, or 3NF? If not, describe and illustrate the process of normalizing i...

Text and String Manipulation Problems in Java with FULL source code

Specification  This assessed exercise is concerned with a number of text and string problems, each of which can be solved by an efficient algorithm using an application of the suffix tree data structure. The aim of the exercise is to illustrate the wide range of practical applications of this versatile data structure, and to provide experience of manipulating the suffix tree – this should aid understanding of the structure itself. The text and string problems that we will be concerned with are as follows: searching for a given string in a piece of text; 
 determining all occurrences of a given string in a piece of text; 
 finding a longest repeated substring in a piece of text; 
 finding a longest common substring of two pieces of text. 
 You are given Java code for reading a specified text file into a string s and building the suffix tree for s. (The suffix tree construction algorithm works on the principle of repeated insertion of suffixes together with node-splitting; for the pu...

Java implementation of Health Record Management System with compelte source code

Project Introduction A doctor has contacted you to develop a solution for managing the patient records of his practice. The doctor is having issues finding records of current patients and would like a solution that will make finding the patients easier, allowing for a faster turnaround time with the billing for clients. The system that will be developed is an all-encompassing solution which all of the different staff members in the doctor's practice will be using. Account Types The system should have three user account types, each of which can all login from the same login window. Depending on their account type, they will be sent to a different dashboard where they can choose the task they wish to complete. Receptionist Mainly focused on making appointments in the system and taking different messages which have been left for the doctor. Doctor The doctor can view all of the messages which have been left for him, search for different patients in the database, and take notes about t...

Transaction processing in business and find the principle points | Reserach Work

Transaction Processing Find a recent article in an IT or business publication (within the past 3 years) that describes a transaction processing system implemented by a company (new or updated). Provide a link to the article. Provide a description of the system being sure to address the following questions  What is the nature of the transactions being processed by this system? What are the inputs and outputs of the system? What is the volume of transactions? Discuss the role of the system in the organization How vital is the system to the company’s operations? What would happen if transactions were not processed? CONTACT DETAILS For any other questions or other tasks please feel free to contact me via email: via WhatsApp: +92-324-7042178 via skype: hassnainjamil1

Java Implementation of geometric shapes scenario using Object Oriented Programming Concepts OOP

In this assignment, you are asked to implement a simple project about geometric shapes such as a circle, rectangle, and square. All shapes must implement the following interface. While doing this project student should design classes actively with OOP concept. So the student must consider relations between classes such as, "is a" and "has a" relations and don't repeat methods that handle the same tasks. Because all shapes have common and different properties, students should consider abstract class, interface and overloading methods etc. public interface IShape { // area of a shape public double area (); // distance between (0,0) and the point used to draw a shape public double distanceToCoordinateCenter (); //rectangle is a full shape if: distanceToCoordinateCenter() > w+h //circle is a full shape if: distanceToCoordinateCenter() > r //square is a full shape if: distanceToCoordinateCenter() > w // w is width, r is radius, h is height public boo...

Java Implementation of BST with parent node reference algorithm | Binary Search Tree

BST with parent node: Implement the BST with parent node. Modify the insert and delete functions. Add the following functions too. private TreeNode<E getNode(E element) private boolean<E isLeaf(E element) public ArrayList<E getPath(E element) Get Now! Buy now CONTACT DETAILS For any other questions or other tasks please feel free to contact me via email: via WhatsApp: +92-324-7042178 via skype: hassnainjamil1

Java Program to implement Radix Sort Algorithm and displaying the step by step sorting

Write a program for Radix Sort. The output of the program, apart from displaying the final result of the sorting algorithm, you also need to display the result of every round after one digit is sorted. Get the solution now! Output Screenshot Get Now Buy now CONTACT DETAILS For any other questions or other tasks please feel free to contact me via email: via WhatsApp: +92-324-7042178 via skype: hassnainjamil1

Restaurant Management System in Java - Full Project Free Download

System specification Application The Pay Per View system allows users to download and view titles. The system starts with a pre-defined set of titles on offer, and two users. A user enters their name, selects a title and downloads it. The user can then view the title once; the download is deleted after viewing. A user starts with $100 and is charged at a rate of $1 per minute. The users are "Marge" and "Homer". The system uses the same titles as Assignment 1. Neither the users nor the titles on offer change, for simplicity. Graphical interface The system starts by showing with two windows: Clicking on a View window list entry "views" that title; it disappears from the list of user titles, and the number of unseen titles in the customer window decreases by one. Output Free Download CONTACT DETAILS For any other questions or other tasks please feel free to contact me via email: via WhatsApp: +92-324-7042178 via skype: hassnainjamil1

Tic Tac Toe Game (Console Based) in Java full project free download

Game Features As the program starts executing, player X starts The player types in a column and a row number. For example for column A and row 3, it should be ‘A3’. The program should verify that the box is not already populated, if it is already set then the program asks the player to re-enter a new column and a row. If it is not already populated then set that particular box to X. Program checks to verify if there is any winner The program prints out the Tictactoe board. Program asked player O to type in a column and a row number. The program should verify that the box is not already populated, if it is already set then the program asks the player to re-enter a new column and a row. If it is not already populated then set that particular box to O. Program checks to verify if there is any winner The program prints out the Tictactoe board. The steps should be repeated until all boxes are populated or a winner is found. The program should end. Output CONTACT DETAILS For any other questi...

Basic Linked List and Sorted Linked List in Java with Unit Testing

Code Distribution The project's code distribution is available by checking out the project named LinkedListsProject. The code distribution provides you with the following: listClasses package → Where classes implementing linked lists will appear. tests package → Where you should place your student tests. Specifications You are expected to implement two classes: BasicLinkedList and SortedLinkedList.The javadoc describing what you need to implement can be found at Project Javadoc. The linked list in our project has a head and tail reference. The next link of the last node points to null. Methods addToEnd(), getLast(), retrieveLastElement() rely (and must use) the tail reference. The head and tail must be set correctly when list operations update the list. You can use recursion for the implementation of methods. Two methods must be implemented using recursion: getReverseArrayList() and getReverseList(). You are allowed to add an auxiliary function (only one) during the implementation ...

Concurrent and non-concurrent threads in Java | Two different project in NetBeans

Concurrent Thread Execution: Write a Java program that has a method named atomic(). Demonstrate in the program how two threads can, sometimes, invoke atomic() concurrently. Non-Concurrent Thread Execution: Create a second version of the program in which the two threads cannot invoke atomic concurrently. Output Screenshots: Get Now Buy now CONTACT DETAILS For any other questions or other tasks please feel free to contact me via email: via WhatsApp: +92-324-7042178 via skype: hassnainjamil1

Arithmetic Expressions Background | Postfix Notation Calculation | Java

Background The arithmetic expressions considered in this project consist of non-negative integers, operators "+", "-", and "*", and parentheses "(" and ")". Arithmetic expressions are usually written using the infix notation, in which operators appear between the two operands on which they act (e.g., "2 + 2"). The evaluation of expressions in infix notation is done according to the standard order of operations: multiplications must be done first, from left to right, then all additions and subtractions, again from left to right. Parentheses can be used to change the order in which operations must be performed, e.g., the expression inside the innermost parentheses must be evaluated first, etc. Since each of the considered operators takes exactly two operands, such an arithmetic expression can be represented as a proper binary tree whose internal nodes are associated with the expression's operators and whose leaves are associ...