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Showing posts from November, 2016

ERD of a multi-tenant database that records customers

Entity Relationship Diagram ERD of a multi-tenant database that records customers and some customer information types like temperature, humidity, etc. The most important thing is that it is MULTI-TENANT and it can add INFORMATION TYPES. Use Case 1:  I am a customer A and I want to add a temperature field and I am the only one who can see it Use Case 2:  I am a customer B and I want to add a humidity field and I am the only one who can see it Use Case 3:  I am the system administrator and I can modify temperature field created by customer A and expose it to customer B. CONTACT DETAILS For any other questions or other tasks please feel free to contact me via email: via WhatsApp: +92-324-7042178 via skype: hassnainjamil1

Recursive method to rotate a String by N characters to the right at any given number in java

Write a recursive method to rotate a String by N characters to the right at any given number. For example, rotateToR(“hello”, 3) The output should be: “lohel” (And if it is a different number, of course, the output will be different). Buy now CONTACT DETAILS For any other questions or other tasks please feel free to contact me via email: via WhatsApp: +92-324-7042178 via skype: hassnainjamil1

Recursively printing data in java full source code with output screenshot of running program

Write a recursive method that produces an output similar to the following: This was written by call number 1. This was written by call number 2. This was written by call number 3. This was written by call number 4 This was ALSO written by call number 4. This was ALSO written by call number 3 This was ALSO written by call number 2. This was ALSO written by call number 1. Buy now CONTACT DETAILS For any other questions or other tasks please feel free to contact me via email: via WhatsApp: +92-324-7042178 via skype: hassnainjamil1

Rotating string using recursion and printing data using recurstion in java with source code

Write a recursive method that produces an output similar to the following: This was written by call number 1.   This was written by call number 2.    This was written by call number 3.      This was written by call number 4      This was ALSO written by call number 4.    This was ALSO written by call number 3   This was ALSO written by call number 2. This was ALSO written by call number 1. Write a recursive method to rotate a String by N characters to the right at any given number. For example, rotateToR(“hello”, 3) The output should be: “lohel” (And if it is a different number, of course, the output will be different). Demo Output: Buy now CONTACT DETAILS For any other questions or other tasks please feel free to contact me via email: via WhatsApp: +92-324-7042178 via skype: hassnainjamil1

Using Arrays, Strings, & Sorting classes in Java Programming

Introduction Define a Java class as described below. All variables should be declared as private and all methods as public. Save the class definition in a file with an appropriate filename. Class Name: Personnel Instance Variables:  Name – String (in the format lastName, firstName – Example: Carter, Lisa) jobTitle - String payRate – double Instance Methods:  A default constructor. A constructor that accepts three arguments, one for each of the fields. getter methods for each of the class fields. toString() A method to display the fields of an instance of the class in an easy to read format (preferable on one line). Compile and debug the above code. Class Name: TestPersonnel Then, create a class, TestPersonnel, that contains a main() with static methods to test and use the above class. Save the class in a file with an appropriate file name. Declare three initialized arrays, one for the Job Code, and two associated arrays for Job Title and the Pay Rates as follows: Declare a Per...

Linked List project in Java | Addition at specific index | Reverse List | Remove Sorted and UnSorted

Java Code Extension Add the following methods to the list class on the file: public void addAt(int position, T item) The method adds an item at a given position.  The head has position 1, second item has position 2, etc. public void removeAllSorted(T item) The method removes all copies of the given item, assuming the list is sorted. For example, if you have a list (1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4) And you remove 2 So, the output for this method will be (1, 3, 4) public void removeAllUnsorted(T item) The method removes all copies of the given item, assuming the list is not sorted. For example, if you have a list (2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 2) And you remove 2 So, the output for this method will be (3, 4, 1) public void reverseList() The method reverses the list.  For a sorted list, reversal would result in a list reversely sorted. For example, if you have a sorted list (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) So, the output for this method will be (6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1) For implementation, make sure that you use no existing metho...

Database Design and Analysis in Access | Full Project with queries and reports

Buy now Database Design Design your initial designs on paper. Each one individually works on the designs and gets together with the team members to create team designs. The first step is creation of a logical design for the database. In this step, you will identify entities/tables, their attributes, and relationships. While reading the case, identify entities/tables (hint: nouns), their attributes (hint: nouns) and relationships (hint: verbs). Also, look at the form, queries and report in the textbook and this handout to make sure that your tables include all the appropriate fields. Avoid calculated fields (ex: age, number of students, and duration of course) as actual fields in your tables. For each table, identify the primary key by underlining it. Determine the proper relationships (examples: 1:1, 1:M, M:N) among the tables and create your logical ER diagram. Use the Student Registration Database Logical Design handout given in the class as a model and design yours along the same li...

Relational Database | Chapter 2 | Full Solution | Database

Database Related Questions Discuss the importance of data modeling. What is a business rule, and what is its purpose in data modeling How do you translate business rules into data model components? What languages emerged to standardize the basic network data model, and why was such standardization important to users and designers? Describe the basic features of the relational data model and discuss their importance to the end user and the designer.***** Explain how the entity relationship (ER) model helped produce a more structured relational database design environment. Use the scenario described by "A customer can make many payments, but each payment is made by only one customer" as the basis for an entity relationship diagram (ERD) representation. Why is an object said to have greater semantic content than an entity? What is the difference between an object and a class in the object-oriented data model (OODM)? How would you model Question 7 with an OODM? What is an ERDM, a...

Employee Salary Calculator in Java using BigDecimal and Overloading Constructors

Specifications The employee class should contain overloaded constructors, one that accepts first and last names as well as annual salary, and one that accepts first and last names only.  The latter should reference the former via the "this" constructor reference. Extra Credit:  Use datatype BigDecimal for salary and tax amounts (see (Links to an external site.)) So you should fix any error in your previous assignment, and include the variation described above. The previous assignment description is repeated below: Create a project which will accept information about employee pay and then display calculated results.  The project should contain at least your executable class with the main method, as well as an Employee class. Your executable class should ask the user for the following information: Employee First Name Employee Last Name Annual Salary And it should allow the user to enter info...

HashMap and HashSet in Java |

Specifications There will be a total of two classes within this program as follows: MyFavouriteClasses Class This class should: Be instantiated by the other class only (not by the end user). Have a method named “populate” that will result in the names of 4 java classes (each from a different package) being stored in a HashSet. The user should be notified that this has happened. Have a method named “getClasses” that will return a HashSet containing the above Strings. Note: This should not be an “Abstract Class” SortingAndSearching Class This class is the only class that should be instantiated when testing the program. The “first” class will be instantiated via this class. This class should: Have a private method named “createMappings” that will: Create a HashMap using the class names from the HashSet as “keys” and their corresponding package names as “values”. This can be done in a number of ways so try to be as efficient a possible when designing this method. Have a constructor that wi...