Zoo Management System - Project Details: You are the employee of a big, worldwide working Zoo Management Company. Your company is responsible for the Zoo management. Your boss thinks it would be a great idea to store all data for each Zoo in a brand new self-developed ZOO Management System. Up to now, the ZOO management company has maps of each ZOO available. Your boss knows that you took a course in introduction on an ERP system, so he asks you if you could help designing such a system. Each ZOO must have the same organizational structure, which should look like this: Each Zoo has a Zoo-Address. Each Zoo has many visitors (Visitor Ticket Process (VTP). Many Zoo-Attractions belong to a Zoo. Module 1: Entity Relationship Diagram Design a ER (entity-relationship) diagram for your ZOO Management System. Use the information provided below with the entities and its attributes. Put the entities in the correct relationship to each other (organizational structure). Module 2: DB Implem...
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