Context A tour management agency runs concert tours. It sets up tours by bands. On a tour, a band gives concerts at venues on various dates. Only one band goes on a tour, and a band goes on only one tour at a time. Tours have names. A band has musicians as members. A band also has a music style, such as “heavy metal” or “folk”. There are several tour dates on a tour. Each occurs at a venue, on a particular date. At each date, a certain amount of money is received in ticket sales. Each venue has a cost for hiring it. Each concert yields a certain amount from ticket sales. The difference between the cost and the ticket sales is the profit on the concert. What a Database will be used for? The management agency wants a database about its business. It wants to be able to find out such things as which tours it has arranged. (Assume that all tours have finished - covering tours that are still going on is an easy extension, b...
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