Coach CafĂ© The Coach CafĂ© is a small neighborhood cafĂ© that serves vegetarian breakfasts and lunches. The owner of the cafĂ©, Keith Watson, started the cafĂ© with $50,000 of his own money. Now that he’s up and running, he realizes that he needs additional financing. His parents have offered to loan him an additional $50,000 to be repaid within five years. Keith needs to analyze the loan payments and terms to ensure he can make the payments required. He has started a workbook and asks you to complete a Loan Analysis and Amortization Schedule with data related to the loan. Start Excel and open Tutorial 8_Coach CafeLoan Analysis.xlsx. Save the spreadsheet as Tutorial 8_Last Name_Coach CafeLoan Analysis.xlsx. (Replace “Last Name” with your last name.) In the Loan Analysis worksheet, in the range C7:J10, enter or calculate the loan analysis data you will use as the basis for additional calculations. Kevin wants to borrow $50,000 over a period of 5 years and make 12 payments each year. ...
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