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Showing posts from April, 2018

Old Print Site database design project with implentation

A database is required for the Old Print, a web-site that specialises in books printed before 1950. While the site is open to the public, certain services are only available to members. Each member has a unique membership number (N 8 0) recorded along with their name (C), address (A), email address (S 30) and expiry date (D). A member might also have a phone number recorded (S 14). Any visitor to the site can check for what books there are copies currently on offer. Each book (offered now or in the past) has its unique ISBN (S 12) and title (S 70) recorded along with an assigned category code (S 3). For each possible category code such as 'SFI', a description (S 30) such as 'science fiction' is recorded. The book's one to many authors are identified along with its publisher, edition (N 2) and the publication date (D). Each copy of a book has a unique inventory number (N 8 0) recorded along with a price ($ 4) and the date (D) when it became available. There may be ...

The Race Java Multi-Threading project with complete source code

The Race A number of racers will compete in a race with three obstacles: The Forest, The Mountain and The River. Before the first obstacle and between any two obstacles, the racers will stop for rest and food (by sleeping for a random time). The sequence of events will be something similar to: Rest Forest Rest Mountain Rest River Get Home Note: you will need to keep track of the time when a racer started a specific obstacle and when it ended that obstacle, together with the time when the racer started the race until he finished the race. The obstacles are described below: The Forest: You will have to use the setPriority( ), getPriority( ) and yield( ) methods. At the entry to the forest, the racer will try to rush as much as possible (simulated by increasing its current priority by a randomly generated number between 0-4). The racer using a compass will have to find in the forest a map that contains a magic word. The forest will be a file of more than 300 but les...

Database Design Monash Library Services (MonLib) implementation in Oracle/MySQL

Monash Library Services (MonLib) The local Monash Municipality maintains several libraries for its residents across the municipality. For each branch Monash Library Services assigns a branch code (an incremental number for each branch with the first branch using a code of 100). The branch name, address and contact phone number are also recorded. Each branch is assigned a manager. Due to the small size of some of the branches a particular manager may manage several branches. Each manager is assigned a manger id. Monash Library Services record a managers name and contact phone number. All managers are assigned one particular branch as their home branch. Monash Library Services maintain records of current loans of books to borrowers. Each borrower is identified by a borrower number and each copy of a title by a barcode number (the library may have more than one copy of any given title). When a borrower first registers to borrow books the branch where they register is recorded as their...

Software Development Life Cycle SDLC Technical Questions Answers

As an analyst what approach would you take in identifying business needs for an organization?  What type of IT projects would make good use of your skills? Why?  What advice would you give new analysts who are inexperienced and beginning the planning phase of a new project? Give at least two pointers and explain why you think it is important for a rookie analyst to know.  Requirement Gathering (Chapter 3) Which one requirement elicitation technique are you most comfortable with to use? Why?  Which one requirement elicitation technique seems least effective in your opinion? Why?  What is your opinion on use cases?   How might you make use cases work better?   Data Flow Diagrams  What do you think are the three most difficult parts to understanding DFDs?  What advice would you give a new student who is learning the DFD process?  The last element of the analysis phase describes the logical data analysis – creating...

Advanced Databases Project Design & Development

Practical Work Week 2 In this module, you are required to design and develop a database using MySQL Workbench. This week you should: formulate a database project proposal together with one of your classmates. This proposal will be due for submission on Moodle in week 3. You are also required to submit a hard copy of your proposal in your practical class. you may use MySQLWorkbench on the college machines or install the application on your own laptop. Please note: The proposal that you submit will need to support a database with minimum of 15 tables so it is important that you choose an idea which will give you the scope for such a database design. You should use your practical hours to ask for advice on choosing a suitable idea. Practical Work Week 3 At this stage you should: use the Sakila example provided with Workbench to familiarise yourself with the operation of the DBMS. create a complete ER model in Workbench for your team project. (Min. 15 tables) create a dat...

Coach Café Excel Project Download Now

Coach Café The Coach Café is a small neighborhood café that serves vegetarian breakfasts and lunches. The owner of the café, Keith Watson, started the café with $50,000 of his own money. Now that he’s up and running, he realizes that he needs additional financing. His parents have offered to loan him an additional $50,000 to be repaid within five years. Keith needs to analyze the loan payments and terms to ensure he can make the payments required. He has started a workbook and asks you to complete a Loan Analysis and Amortization Schedule with data related to the loan. Start Excel and open Tutorial 8_Coach CafeLoan Analysis.xlsx. Save the spreadsheet as Tutorial 8_Last Name_Coach CafeLoan Analysis.xlsx. (Replace “Last Name” with your last name.) In the Loan Analysis worksheet, in the range C7:J10, enter or calculate the loan analysis data you will use as the basis for additional calculations. Kevin wants to borrow $50,000 over a period of 5 years and make 12 payments each year. ...

[Solved] ERD - Boat Management System’s Database

A charter company owns boats that are used to chart trips to islands. The company has created a database to track the boats it owns, including each boat’s ID number, name, last maintained date, seating capacity, purchased year, and cost per hour used. The database also keeps information about each island, such as its unique ID, name, population, ticket price per person, and overall tour hour per trip. The database also maintains information about each captain it employs and assigns to trips, such as captain ID, Social Security number, first name, last name, street, city, state, zipcode, phone number, and date of birth. In addition, all information about each trip, including trip ID, the date that the trip takes place, and the number of people on the trip, is also kept in the database. Each trip takes only one boat, but a boat may be used for multiple trips on different dates. A particular trip travels to only one island, but an island may be visited by different trips. Each particula...