A database is required for the Old Print, a web-site that specialises in books printed before 1950. While the site is open to the public, certain services are only available to members. Each member has a unique membership number (N 8 0) recorded along with their name (C), address (A), email address (S 30) and expiry date (D). A member might also have a phone number recorded (S 14). Any visitor to the site can check for what books there are copies currently on offer. Each book (offered now or in the past) has its unique ISBN (S 12) and title (S 70) recorded along with an assigned category code (S 3). For each possible category code such as 'SFI', a description (S 30) such as 'science fiction' is recorded. The book's one to many authors are identified along with its publisher, edition (N 2) and the publication date (D). Each copy of a book has a unique inventory number (N 8 0) recorded along with a price ($ 4) and the date (D) when it became available. There may be ...
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