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C++ Project - Binary Search Tree Problems, finding height, number of nodes and BST cloning

Binary Search Tree Implementation + Full Documentation

This programming assignment simulates the use and functionality of binary search trees (BST) by comparing statistics over several simulations.

  1. Start the random number generator at the current time stamp -- similar or the same as srand(time(0)).
  2. Initialize variables to be used in the program’s final report.
  3. Define a struct node with four fields: node * left, * right; int data; and int frequency. Frequency means the number of times the specific data value was placed into the tree. So, instead of having a BST with the same data values, count the number of times (more than zero) that the data value was placed into the tree.
  4. Run the following 1000 times:
    • Start with an empty binary search tree.
    • Load 5000 integers with values between 0 and 1023 into the BST.
    • Without changing that tree (Call it T1, here), create another empty BST, say T2 and load all the data from T1 into T2 in such a way that T2 is “balanced.” 
    • Gather the following three data items: Number of nodes in either tree (they will be the same). The average height of each tree.  
    • Make both trees empty.
  5. Write a report on the screen that explains the floating point averages of all the data items gathered in 4. d. 

Note that collaboration is not permitted. If I feel you are using the code you don’t understand, I may question you about the code so that I can be convinced it is your work. Some of the techniques and functions here are similar to those used in class; some are substantially new. There will be plenty of time to ask questions in class to clarify.

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