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Showing posts from April, 2016

Extra Credit Assignment 3: Loan Calculator Java Implementation Source Code

Buy now Problem Description The monthly payments for a given loan are divided into amounts that apply to the principal and to the interest. For example, if you make a monthly payment of $500, only a portion of the $500 goes to the principal and the remainder is the interest payment. The monthly interest is computed by multiplying the monthly interest rate by the unpaid balance. The monthly payment minus the monthly interest is the amount applied to the principal. The following table is the sample loan payment schedule for a one-year loan of $5,000 with a 12 percent annual interest rate. The monthly payment would be $444.24. Write an application that accepts a loan amount, annual interest rate, and loan period (in number of years) and displays a table with five columns: payment number, the interest and principal paid for that month, the remaining balance after the payment, and the total interest paid to date. Note: The last payment is generally different from the monthly payment, and yo...

Extra Credit Assignment 2: Slot Machine in Java with full source code

Buy now Problem Introduction: Write an application that simulates a slot machine. The player starts out with M coins. The value of M is an input to the program, and you charge 25 cents per coin. For each play, the player can bet 1 to 4 coins. If the player enters 0 as the number of coins to bet, then the program stops playing. At the end of the game, the program displays the number of coins left and how much the player won or lost in the dollar amount. There are three slots on the machine, and each slot will display one of the three possible pieces: BELL, GRAPE, and CHERRY. When certain combinations appear on the slots, the machine will pay the player. The payoff combinations are these: The symbol --------- means any piece. If the player bets 4 coins and gets combination 5, for example, the machine pays the player 12 coins. Code Screenshot: Order Now: Buy now CONTACT DETAILS For any other questions or other tasks please feel free to contact me via email: via Wh...

Extra Credit Assignment 1: Rock – Paper – Scissors Java Implementation

Buy now Problem: Design and implement an application that plays the Rock-Paper-Scissors game against the computer. When played between two people, each person picks one of three options (usually shown by a hand gesture) at the same time, and a winner is determined. In the game, Rock beats Scissors, Scissors beats Paper, and Paper beats Rock. The program should randomly choose one of the three options (without revealing it) then prompt for the user’s selection. At that point, the program reveals both choices and indicates if the user won, the computer won, or if there was a tie. Continue playing until the user chooses to stop, and then show the number of user wins, losses, and ties. Objective: Understand the concept of object-oriented programming. Understand the use of standard Java classes. Familiarize with code documentation, compilation, and execution. Expose to Java syntax, programming styles, and Java classes. Code Screenshots: Order Now: Buy now CONTACT DETAILS For any other quest...

HTML, PHP URL registration and lising program Internet Programming Spring 2016 Assignment #5

Buy now Introduction Create and run a SQL script with a database named URL and a table named Urltable. The first field of the table should contain an actual URL, and the second, which is named Description, should contain a description of the URL. Write a PHP script that obtains a URL and its description from a user and stores the information into a database using MySQL. After each new URL is submitted, print the contents of the database in a table. Requirements: Store the structure of the tables in a txt file for submission. Output Screenshots: Order now! Buy now CONTACT DETAILS For any other questions or other tasks please feel free to contact me via email: via WhatsApp: +92-324-7042178 via skype: hassnainjamil1

Car Racing Java API Level 2.2 complete implementation with source code

Buy now Major Coursework #2 In this coursework, you are required to implement an Android Game App, create an installable apk that can be installed on an Android phone (API level 2.2) and write a report that describes the design and justifies improvements. The GameYou are required to develop Java code to implement an Android app inspired by the traditional top-down racing game. The code MUST extend the code base provided for the practical in week 7 of Spring term. The OOP Design You are required to develop an OOP design before starting implementation. This should be discussed and signed off in your practical session in week 8 of spring term. This will be marked in that week’s practical sign off sheet. You must include an electronic version (e.g. scan handwritten work) in an appendix of the submitted report. You can later change the design. You must, however, justify your changes in the final report Your game should: Have functionality to start individual games on a screen using a separa...

Connect-K in Java Data Structures Compelete Source code

Buy now Introduction: In the game of Connect-K, red and blue pieces are dropped into an N-by-N table. The the table stands up vertically so that pieces drop down to the bottom-most empty slots in their column. For example, consider the following two configurations:- Legal Position - ....... ..................R .....RB.... BRB... RBBR.. - Illegal Position - ............................Bad  - ..BR...... R.... RBBR.. In these pictures, each '.' represents an empty slot, each 'R' represents a slot filled with a red piece, and each 'B' represents a slot filled with a blue piece. The left configuration is legal, but the right one is not. This is because one of the pieces in the third column (marked with the arrow) has not fallen down to the empty slot below it. A player wins if they can place at least K pieces of their colour in a row, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The four possible orientations are shown below: - Four in a row - R RRRR R RR R ...

Lock Up Tite user authentication program in Java GUI

Buy now Objective  You work for a company called Lock Up Tite. They want you to write a front end program to grant authentication access to programs using a user name and password. Requirements Write a program that creates a loop and has three options for the user to select. Option 1 allows the user to add a user name and password, which is then stored into a file. Option 2 allows the user to enter a user name and password up to three times. For a given attempt, the user will be notified if the attempt is successful or unsuccessful. Option 3 will exit the loop and end the program Main Menu Requirements: When the program starts, present the user with a menu offering the three options described above. After the user chooses either option 1 or 2, the program should go back to the main menu. The final option will end the program. Option 1 Requirements: This option prompts the user for their user name and password and stores them in a file named passwords.txt. The program should not o...

C++ - Game of Dungeons and Dragons complete implementation with header files

Buy now 1.0 Overview   In the popular role-playing, the game of Dungeons and Dragons players move from room to room in a dungeon where they encounter creatures, treasure, and various obstacles. The underlying functionality of such a computer game lies in the gaming engine. This Statement of Work presents the requirements for a "Scenario Mapping and Player Movement" class for a gaming engine. 2.0 Requirements   The student shall define, develop, document, prototype, test, and modify as required the software system.   2.1 Functional Requirements   2.1.1 The software shall be capable of representing the layout for a role-playing game scenario as a graph implemented as an adjacency matrix. The scenario will typically be an inside location such as a dungeon or castle divided into some rooms. For this implementation, it will be assumed that the number of rooms will be 20.   2.1.2 The scenario graph shall be implemented as a class called GameGraph (defined in fi...

Moving shapes in JavaFX with Multi threading

Multithreading and JavaFX Create an object-oriented JavaFX GUI that shows two shapes or images moving around a GUI. Each shape will have its thread to move it around the GUI. You must use threads – not AnimationTimelines or JavaFx Paths- this is a threading homework that happens to use JavaFx- not just a JavaFx homework. You must have two separately distinct activities. Two flashing texts are only one different activity. I have provided an example of how to move an image in a circle and flashing text using threads. You may choose one of these, but your second activity must be different from shooting and moving in a circle. Do not directly copy the examples- you may use the algorithm with other things. Try moving in an up-down, side to side, zig-zag, etc. Be sure to shut down all threads when the Application closes. (Hint: interrupt() method on Thread class) Your program should consist of multiple classes. Put thread Runnable classes in a different class from Application and pass shared...

CRC code with command line arguments in Java, Checking correctness and verfication

Buy now Program  Submission  Instructions:       •   You must submit your source code file plus a README file •   The source code file must be provided in Web courses from the assignment page •   All source code must be in exactly one file of type .c, .cpp, or .java •   The README file must be a text file CIS    3360    –    Security    in   Computing    Spring    2016 Program  #2:    CRC    Codes  (100  points) Write a    program that    calculates the    CRC-­‐15    value for a    given file    and which    can also    verify the    correctness of    a    given file that    already has    a    CRC-­‐15    value appended    to it,    as more    fully described  ...

JavaFX Homework with JPanes, JButtons and JComponents in Java GUI

Create the program with the following functionalities: Must contain at least one button that changes something on the GUI  Must contain at least 2 panes  Must contain at least 6 components (Nodes)  Must be PG-13 Actually I'm not working on games. Currently. Output: Get your work now! Buy now CONTACT DETAILS For any other questions or other tasks please feel free to contact me via email: via WhatsApp: +92-324-7042178 via skype: hassnainjamil1