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[SOLVED] Airplane seat reservation system in java with full source code

In this project, you will implement an airplane seat reservation system. An airplane has two classes of service (first and economy). Each class has a sequence of seat rows. The following figure shows the seat chart of the airplane.

A reservation request has one of two forms. One form is that an individual passenger request consists of the passenger name, a class of service, and a seat preference such as W(indow), C(enter), or A(aisle) seats. The reservation program either finds a matching seat (the search may start from the first row of the class.) and reserves it for the passenger, or it fails if no matching seat is available. (For example, if the user's preference is a W(indow) seat and none is available, tell the user no Window seat is available and ask for another seat preference.) The other form is that a group request consists of a list of passenger names and a class of service. (Groups cannot specify a seat preference). The reservation program finds the first row of adjacent seats in a seat row that is sufficient to accommodate the group, or if no such seat row exists, finds the row with the largest number of adjacent seats in any seat row, fills it up with members of the group, and repeats that process (finding the row with the largest number of adjacent seats) until all members of the group have been seated. If there is insufficient space to seat all members of the group, none should be seated.

A cancellation request consists of the name of one or more passengers. The seats that are occupied by passengers in the request are emptied; passengers in the request that are not seated are ignored. There are two kinds of report: seat availability chart and manifest list. A seat availability chart shows the available seats of each row of each class as shown below. You can guess the rest of the seat availability chart based on the example for the First Class.

Availability List:

First 1: B, D 2: C, D Economy
A manifest lists the occupied seats and the passengers seated in them: First 1A: John Williams 1C: Harry Hacker 2A: Sarah Michaels 2B: Jonah Arks Economy Your program must be called ReservationSystem. Use a command line argument to read the name of a file that holds information from a prior program run. If the file does not exist, the program creates one. You may use the exists() method of the File class to check.

The following shows how you would run the program on command prompt. java ReservationSystem flightname where flightname is the name of a file that holds information from a prior program run. In Eclipse, follow Run- Run Configurations - Arguments, enter the command line argument, in our case flightname, in the box named Program Arguments, and run the program.

The user interacts with the program to make a reservation, and the user input is read from standard input ( The user interface for this program is as follows. Prompt the user: Add [P]assenger, Add [G]roup, [C]ancel Reservations, Print Seating [A]vailability Chart, Print [M]anifest, [Q]uit

The following describes the function(s) of each option.

Add [P]assenger

When the user wants to add a passenger, prompt the user:
Name: John Smith Service Class: First Seat Preference: W
Print the seat number such as 1A on which the passenger has been seated, or Request failed.

Add [G]roup

When the user wants to add a group, prompt as follows: (bold are user inputs; the group
member names should be separated by a comma)
Group Name: cssjsu
Names: Venkathan Subramanian,Karl Schulz Service
Class: Economy
Print the seat numbers on which the passengers have been seated, or Request failed.

[C]ancel Reservations

First prompt the user asking if the cancellation is for an individual or a group. When the user wants to cancel an individual reservation (as opposed to a group reservation), prompt as follows:
Names: John Smith
When the user wants to cancel a group reservation, prompt as follows: (bold are user inputs) Group Name: cssjsu
A cancellation of a group reservation will cancel the reservations of all group members. For simplicity, let's assume an individual group member cannot cancel his/her reservation only.

Print Seating [A]vailability Chart

Prompt the user asking the desired service class. The program displays the seat availability chart of the service class only.

Print [M]anifest

Prompt the user asking the desired service class. The program displays the manifest of the requested service class only.


When the user quits, save the reservations in the text file whose name was given on the command line when the program starts. As a designer, you should determine what to save in which order to store the reservations already made. This file contains the final reservations only. Here is a simple scenario to understand this requirement. When you run the program for the first time as follows

java ReservationSystem CL34

the file doesn't exist, and thus the program creates one. Then, suppose reservations X, Y, Z are made, and the program quits. Then, X, Y, Z are stored in the file CL34. In the second time of program execution, the ReservationSystem restores reservations (X, Y, Z) from CL34. Suppose Y is cancelled, and A and B are added. The file contains X, Z, A, and B only.

Note 2

When the program starts, data from the file CL34 will initialize data structure(s) of your choice (e.g. array list) that will hold data throughout the program execution. Adding and cancelling will change the content of the data structure(s), not the file CL34. Only when the Quit option is chosen, the latest snap shot of the data structure(s) will be saved in the file CS34 in a proper format.

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