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Java Encode Utility source code with full implementation

Hi, this will cover the implementation of encode utility as per the below requirements NOT the test cases. You can test your test cases using this encode utility and verify your test cases.

Concise Specification of the encode Utility

encode - encodes words in a file.
encode OPT <filename>
where OPT can be zero or more of

  • -c <integer>
  • -r
  • -d <characters>

<filename> : the file on which the encode operation has to be performed.

  • -c <integer>: if specified, the utility will apply a caesar cipher to all alphabetic characters (other characters remain unchanged and the original capitalization is preserved), incrementing letters by the integer passed in. 
  • -r: if specified, the utility reverse the order of characters in every word, with a word being any set of non- whitespace characters, including non-alphabetic characters, separated from others by any whitespace character. 
  • -d <characters>: if specified, the encode utility will remove all characters from the file which match any of the characters passed into this option, before applying any other transformation. If none of the OPT flags is specified, encode will default applying -c <length of file>, a caesar cipher incrementing by the number of characters in the input file. 

NOTES: While the last command-line parameter provided is always treated as the filename, OPT flags can be provided in any order (-d is always applied first).

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